
Neetichandrika - Subhashitasangraha


Neetichandrika consists of 114 simple subhashita-s which express wise thoughts, to be understood and followed by every human to lead a successful life. Develop a deeper understanding of human life and the world, while experiencing inner transformation and real happiness.


Timeless Gita - Endless Bliss - Vol 1


Key features of the book –
– Dr. B Mahadevan’s book explores the multi-dimensional perspective of the Srimadbhagavadgita, offering versatile insights for individuals entrenched in their professional careers.
– The author adeptly organizes 57 chapters into subheadings directly relevant to everyday life.
– Thought-provoking points, insightful interpretations, and engaging chapter divisions enhance the text, making it highly captivating for readers seeking practical wisdom.
– Dr. B Mahadevan employs skilful interpretation by incorporating numerous examples and anecdotes, facilitating a deeper understanding of Gita’s teachings and making them more relatable to readers.




Chanting or meditating on the Lalita Sahasranama is often recommended for overcoming challenges, achieving clarity in life, and fostering a sense of divine protection and grace.
It is commonly recited during Navaratri, Fridays, and auspicious occasions, particularly by those seeking spiritual elevation, peace, and blessings.
The Lalita Sahasranama is not just a hymn but a spiritual treasure, offering a pathway to divine bliss and ultimate realization.


Popular Saying in Sanskrit


Understanding the meaning of a few popular sayings in Sanskrit
Appreciate the usage of these sayings in your communication.
Develop curiosity and interest to identify more such popular sayings.


Sankshepa Ramayanam


Ramayanam is the first world literature consisting of nearly 24,000 verses written by Maharshi Valmiki. The first chapter of the first kanda (The Bala kanda) of this epic is popularly known as Sankshepa-Ramayanam. This is an abridged version of Ramayana that consists of 100 verses. It is accorded a status equivalent to that of Ramayana and is evidenced from its phalashruti. In this chapter, Narada Muni tells Valmiki Maharshi the brief story of Rama and later persuades him to write about Rama’s life. Many people have a ritual of chanting this on a daily or weekly basis at their houses even today.


Raghuveera Gadyam


Reciting Srimahaveeravaibhavam also deepens Sanskrit comprehension and fosters heartfelt Rama-bhakti, devotion, and spiritual growth. Through elegant prose, Sri-Vedanta-Deshkacarya guides readers through Sri Rama's divine exploits, timeless lessons on dharma, and inspiring reflections for spiritual seekers, providing insights into self-realization and liberation.
The main features of this book are:

– Authentic Moola in Devanagari and IAST for daily Parayana

– Hyphenated text given in Devanagari and IAST for the ease of beginner’s learning

– Large bold font to read prose easily

– Resources to internalise Ramayana at four stages


Timeless Gita Endless Bliss Vol-2


Key features of the book –
– Dr. B Mahadevan’s book presents practical and philosophical insights linking Gita’s ancient wisdom to contemporary life.
– The book is organized into 51 chapters across four thematic parts, offering a detailed exploration of the Gītā’s second triplet (Chapters 7 – 12).
– The book introduces the “Law of Conservation of Divinity” and highlights how the divine essence permeates every aspect of existence.
– The book encourages readers to engage in self-inquiry and contemplate life’s ultimate purpose through thought-provoking ideas and examples.
– The book emphasizes self-inquiry, devotion, and understanding the divine essence within all aspects of existence.


Sanatana Dharma -Tamil


The knowledge of Sanatana Dharma is essential for each and every human being since it gives answers to every question a human being has in his/her life like what is the purpose of this life?, where did we come from?, where will we go after this life?, what are the important things we should do? etc.
Sanatana dharma is the theory that our ancestors thought and clearly stated the rules and practices for our life. Sanatana Dharma is considered something common to all, transcending caste-religious divisions.


Sanatana Dharma English


The knowledge of Sanatana Dharma is essential for each and every human being since it gives answers to every question a human being has in his/her life like what is the purpose of this life?, where did we come from?, where will we go after this life?, what are the important things we should do? etc.
Sanatana dharma is the theory that our ancestors thought and clearly stated the rules and practices for our life. Sanatana Dharma is considered something common to all, transcending caste-religious divisions.


Srimadbhagavad Gita


Why this grantha is a must-have treasure

-Sandhi-joined-pada-s to facilitate seamless parayana
-Sandhi-split at pāda level for beginners' learning
-Large bold font to read the verses easily
-Guide to appreciate the nuances of Sanskrit pronunciation
-Includes Dhyanashloka-s, Mahatmyam, Aarati,Parayana & Homavidhi
-Chapter Summaries to imbibe the flow of Gita
-Alphabetical Index of verses with adhyaya- shloka reference
-Step by step e-learning resources with QR codes to internalise Gita-tattva

Neetichandrika - Subhashitasangraha
Timeless Gita - Endless Bliss - Vol 1
Popular Saying in Sanskrit
Sankshepa Ramayanam
Raghuveera Gadyam
Timeless Gita Endless Bliss Vol-2
Sanatana Dharma -Tamil
Sanatana Dharma English
Srimadbhagavad Gita

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Podcast - Audio Products

#1 in Series Today

Ramayana Ratnamala - Audio rendering of powerful selections from Valmiki Ramayanam

What will you gain from this course? (Key Benefits / Learning Outcomes) Master 5 powerful selections from the Valmiki Ramayanam. Perfect your pronunciation using teacher-student repetition mode and revise quickly using chanting mode. Reap the benefits of Stotra chanting including enhanced memory, focus, concentration and health. What are the materials/support you get? Nearly 3 hours of pre-recorded high-quality audio with accurate pronunciation by scholars. Repetition mode and Chanting mode to enable effective learning and revision. Script of the verses in Devanagari script (PDF). Doubt clarifications through Email. What are the pre-requisites to get the best out of this course? (Eligibility) This course expects no previous exposure to Sanskrit language. Knowing Devanagari script is beneficial to understand finer nuances of pronunciation.

February 2025 10 Seasons