सङ्क्षेपरामायणम् । Sanksheparamayanam
2. सङ्क्षेपरामायणम् । Sanksheparamayanam
ध्यानश्लोकाः । Dhyanashloka-s
1. ध्यानश्लोकाः । Dhyanashloka-s
ध्यानश्लोकाः । Dhyanashloka-s
1. ध्यानश्लोकाः । Dhyanashloka-s
सङ्क्षेपरामायणम् । Sanksheparamayanam
2. सङ्क्षेपरामायणम् । Sanksheparamayanam

This audio collection brings together some of the most treasured gems from the ocean of Valmiki Ramayanam, offering a spiritually enriching experience for listeners. Carefully curated, it includes essential and powerful verses that encapsulate the essence of Sri Rama’s divine story, making it an invaluable resource for daily recitation and meditation.

Includes sacred verses from Valmiki Ramayana:

Dhyanashloka-s, Sanksheparamayanam, Gayatriramayanam, Adityahrdayam, and Mangalashloka-s.

Clear and authentic pronunciation for effortless learning.

Ideal for daily chanting, meditation, and spiritual upliftment.

Listening to and reciting these divine verses enhances focus, devotion, and mental clarity while invoking the blessings of Sri Rama.

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